Andrei Nicolescu, administrator special și acționar la Dinamo, spune că nu există nicio șansă de realizare a transferului atacantului Ianis Stoica, 22 de ani, având în vedere că Hermannstadt solicită 1,5 milioane de euro în schimbul șeptarului. Ianis Stoica, jucător de bandă, capabil să joace și central, a semnat cu Hermannstadt în februarie 2024, după 13 luni în tricoul Universității Cluj. ...
The main idea of the article is that Dinamo football club has withdrawn their interest in transferring a particular player from another Romanian Superliga team because they were informed of the player's high transfer cost.
The wording "E clar" (It's clear) suggests that the club found the price to be unreasonable and decided to move on to other targets.
The main idea of the article is that Dinamo football club has withdrawn their interest in transferring a particular player from another Romanian Superliga team because they were informed of the player's high transfer cost. The wording "E clar" (It's clear) suggests that the club found the price to be unreasonable and decided to move on to other targets.